Monday, June 28, 2010


We have made it out of our apartment here in Richland, WA. We are now hovering in a kind of no mans land I have dubbed Middle Earth. You know this place, it has all the oddities you forget about when you have your feet firmly planted in your Reality... we are now remembering uncomfortable beds, puffy pillows, intermittant internet connections, and tired to the bone.

We are staying in a hotel for the next few days as our rental here in Richland is all cleaned out and we dont fly out  for Ecuador until the 30th. In the mean time our brains are running through lists of things to do, we have given up writting it down, we just loose the paper. I have lost and found my room key, makeup bag, and various other items so instead of drving Randy nuts I am just subsisting on my intermitant brain power. Thank goodness for Barracuda Coffee shop! They have screaming free WIFI and great coffee and wonderful atmosphere! So I get to share all the gritty details with you!

I need to remember also that this is what we will be doing for the next month. Hotelling... A week in Quito, then the rest of the month in Cuenca until our apartment is ready for us.. hopefully on the 26th. At least that stress is off, no frantic apartment hunting!

I just realized that one of my perscriptions is about to run out so I 411'd the number called it in and discussed a larger amount. No problem, she would just do the 30 days that the insurance allowed and give me another 90 days worth for cash... wow who knew?This way we will have time to get settled and find a doctor for our onging perscriptions. Which I must say are pretty minor so we are very lucky!

We will close out the bank accounts today and then see about rearranging our 5 suitcases, to be sure we are within the limits.I may hang on to my cell phone until tomorrow. I only have 40 minutes on the "travel phone" that might be pushing it..

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