Tuesday, March 2, 2010


We are thrilled to report that we have an attorney.. who would have ever guessed we would be excited about that? Ms. Espinoza has directed us to contact the Ecuadorian Consulate in DC, to tie up some details, and a contact at a local bank in Quito so we can set up an account even before we get there! How wonderful.
We also had a great talk with a fellow from Cuenca who's apartment we may rent if the timing works out right.  So now thats two contacts we have that "might" work out. We just love Skype. Its amazing to me how  technology has made keeping in touch with people so easy, even across thousands of miles.  Soon after that call we heard from our friends in Cuenca. We made sure they were hale and hearty after the storm and flooding. Sounds like they are great, and their damage was limited to blossoms knocked off their patio plants. Blossoms... wow, I WISH I had blossoms to get knocked off! Just hearing their voices just energized us to make this move happen faster and faster and faster.

We were pleased that payday coincided with great sales in our local JC Pennys. We were able to stock up on our most comfortable undergarments and some other items that we think are "necessities". I just hope the customs agents dont  tear into our suitcase with all the garments wrapped around the vitamix and other breakables... It makes me giggle just thinking about it! This is the suit case that is going with our friends so hopefully they will not have to explain the strange combination of items in there!

Randys count down is getting exciting. He has only a this month and then he will be footloose and fancy free. I think when I get up at 4:30 each morning I will nudge him and see if he wants to get up and keep me company until I leave for work.. do you think he will?


  1. As much as Randy loves you he might. Well, maybe after the first week of sleeping in. :)

  2. It looks like we'll be following close behind you! ;-) We are so excited for you both!! Mark was a new man when he turned in his name badge and left the building after 20 years. Good feeling!

  3. We're heading to Ecuador on May 5 with a stop in Quito to see Gabriela (our attorney also-she's wonderful)& then off to Cuenca on May 7.
    We haven't test packed our suitcases yet but probably should. We're shipping household goods so what won't fit can always go in the container. See ya in Cuenca!

    Tom Hall & George Xillas
